OOH Solutions
for Media Buyers
Get ready for smarter OOH advertising.
Brands are demanding data & more from OOH. We provide an easier way to find your audience, reach them in an ideal environment, and effectively measure OOH spend ROI, all in one place.
Out-of-Home advertising allows advertisers to enjoy extended engagement with audiences in ways other mediums simply cannot match. OOH ads connects with people by placing unmissable messages in their path. What’s more, the people you reach most with outdoor ads are those you may most want to reach – a younger, mobile, active and connected audience. The context in which this medium reaches people is the active space- people are alert and open to visual stimulus. Thanks to technological advancements and an increasing ownership of smart devices, people can act instantly on advertising messages making OOH more relevant than it has ever been
A Data revolution in the OOH Industry:
The Out of Home industry has accelerated and developed significantly in exploring and applying the power of data in greater depth to better understand audience profiles at location – a key development as advertisers seek greater confidence in delivering their message to more of the right people to influence business outcomes.
Know what OOH media worked & why, by quantifying insights on exposure, web traffic,
creative effectiveness & audience demographics
Ensure real business outcomes for each location, with audience
& delivery insights
Measure which placements had the highest exposure
& greatest impact on success to optimise for future buys and further success.
BAHIR: Connect with consumers in the real world while also standing out amidst competitors. See the difference:

Customised Targeting for better media planning
Select your target audience based on demographics, purchase behaviour, personal preferences or create custom audiences from customer data
Profile/demographic/behavioural targeting (3rd party data)
Point of Interest Search
Competitive Analysis (Spend & Placement locations)
Online OOH Marketplace
OOH Media buying through online platform: Reach audience everywhere. Choose from a plethora of media assets from leading media owners across the country.
Verified media assets
Easy online planning
Printing & Installation services

Monitoring & Reporting
Proof of performance records
Total reach measurement
Attribution: Audience Exposure Analysis
Attribution: In-Store & online Visitation
DMP/ CRM Integration